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Led by light and truth


Send out your light and your truth;
let them lead me;
let them bring me to your holy hill
and to your dwelling !
Psalm 43:3 ESV

During one of our times together as a community last month, we looked at Psalm 43. It is one of those psalms which seems to go through every emotion possible. In a few short verses the psalmist goes through fear, despair, grief, hope and joy. (I'm sure you could find others in there if you wanted to!)


Amongst all the turmoil, we noticed the psalmist asking God for help in verse 3, asking to be led by Gods light and truth. Amongst all the stuff going on in our lives, good and bad, what does living in God's light and truth mean to you? Here are some thoughts from our session.


Jesus calls himself the 'light of the world', in John's Gospel. Light might be a tiny pinprick of light, but it is there! It can be a candle showing the way in the darkness, giving direction. It can be a shining, gleaming sun that we can bask in.


Jesus also calls himself 'the truth' in the same Gospel, (as well as 'the way' and 'the life'). The truth might form as a whisper, requiring you to block out other sounds and listen hard. On the other hand it might be crying out, making you take notice.

Do any of these ideas strike a chord with you? What ideas might you add to ours? Maybe we could listen together, in order to be led by our saviour, amongst the turmoil of our lives.

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